Clubs and Organizations
Band - Band Director, Mr. David Keller
Baseball - Coach Keith Scruggs
Basketball - Boys - Coach Devin Liferidge
Basketball - Girls - Coach Demarcio Downs
Beta Club - Teacher Sponsor, Mr. Eric Smith
Book Club - Meets the first Friday of each month during all three lunch periods in the media center conference room. Lemonade and desserts are provided. Try to bring your lunch on these days so there will be more time to discuss the books. See Mrs. Kiser for the current list. Teacher Sponsor - Mrs. Kiser, Media Center
Cheer Coaches - Coach Taylor Gibson and Coach Kaitlyn Howard
Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy - IB Leadership Organization led by Mrs. Mary Smith
Cross Country - Coach Mike Meade
FFA - Mr. John Farmer
Football - Coach Will Young
French Club - 7:45 every other Friday, Madame Simon room 16
Future Teacher Academy - Mrs. Garrett
Golf - Coach Tracy Miller
Greer Hive Times Newspaper - Ms. Kellen Rollins
HOSA - Mrs. Kimberly Burns GHS HOSA Website
Leo Club - Thursday mornings 8:00 - Sponsor of a school-wide Christmas project for the community. Teacher Sponsor - Mrs. Pruitt, room 84
Mu Alpha Theta - Math Honor Society by invitation only. Must have completed Pre Calculus for consideration. Based on math grades ONLY. Induction is done in the Spring. Mrs. April McVicker, advisor
National Art Society, Thursdays before school, Mr. Michael Parker, Mrs. Allison Duncan sponsors
National English Honor Society - The NEHS is an organization that recognizes students who excel in English. Students that meet the basic requirements are encouraged to apply to Mrs. Crystal Baily, lead advisor.
National High School Model UN - Mrs. Mary Smith
National Honor Society - Mr. Nathan Flounders
Relay for Life - Ms. Pat Edwards and Mrs. Tabitha Pruitt
Service-Learning Class - Ms. Pat Edwards
Soccer - Boys - Coach Nick Roberson
Soccer - Girls - Coach Annie Miller
Softball - Coach Rochester
Student Government - Mr. David Bagwell
Swimming - Coach Paul
Tennis - Coach Patrick Wood (girls), Coach Waldron (boys)
Track - Coach Mike Meade
Virtual Enterprise - Mrs. Sarah Mobley
Voices of Greer High - Mrs. Maddie Thomas
Volleyball - Coach Anna Kelly
Wrestling - Coach Seth Goff
Yearbook - Ms. Kellen Rollins