Please click HERE to view the Greenville County School District updated guidelines for visitors and volunteers.
The staff at Gateway welcomes visits from parents since it increases the spirit of teamwork between the school and home. Classroom visits are a time for observation only or volunteer activities. Parents are asked to limit a visit to a 30 minute session. (Since state guidelines require that classes be interrupted in emergency situations only, parents will not be able to visit a class to speak with a teacher. Any disruption to the instruction of students creates a loss in learning time for the class.) The beginning and end of the school day are crucial. Parents are asked to refrain from interrupting a class during these times. If there is a concern, please leave a message at the office for your child’s teacher. The teacher will contact the parent as soon as possible. If you have not heard from the teacher by the next school day, please call the office again to let them know you have not been contacted.
All visitors in the building, including parents and school volunteers, must stop by the office first and SIGN-IN so that their presence in the building is known and pick up a visitor’s badge. The staff feels a responsibility to parents to insure the safety and well-being of students while they are at school. For that reason, visitors are asked to display the badge conspicuously so that any intruder in the building may be quickly noted. Parents who are not wearing a badge may be asked by a staff member or student to report to the office. All doors will be locked after 8:00 a.m. The only access into the building will be through the reception area doors in the front of the building.