SIC Meetings will take place on the second Tuesday of each month. Please check our school calendar or contact Mrs. Taylor for more information.
Electronics Policy
Cell phone usage is not permitted at Blue Ridge Middle School from the start of school (8:10 am) until the end of the day (3:15 pm). If a student has a cell phone at school, that student is expected to keep the phone turned off and in their bookbag at all times during the school day. Failure to do so will result in a disciplinary action.
Air pods, Bluetooth earbuds, and wired headphones can be used for instructional use in the classroom ONLY when approved by the teacher. Students should not have earbuds or wired headphones in their ears in the hallways, restrooms, cafeteria, or classrooms.
Smartwatches-Electronic devices such as Smartwatches and electronic games should not be brought to school. Phones and/or Bluetooth earbuds that are out, visible, or used during the school day will result in a referral, beginning with the first offense.
BRMS Athletic Fundraiser
Please support BRMS Athletics by purchasing from the team store. A portion of all proceeds go to the atheltics programs here at BRMS.
Our Fall Dance will be held on September 13th from 3:30-5PM. Ticket Sales: September 9th -September 12th (During Lunch). Students must submit a permission slip at the time of purchase. No tickets will be sold the day of the dance.
Birthday Shout Outs
Shout out to your student on our Digital Sign on their Birthday! Cost is $10. You may include a funny or professional picture if you wish. Please complete form below including the picture. Money should be turned in through MySchoolBucks. (Look for "Birthday Wish" under market place). Please email Dr. Kauffman with questions or with picture if needed.
Please submit payment and form at least 10 school days before your child's birthday.