If you have not ridden by the school this week, I hope you will do so. The work on the nature trail is well on its way, and yesterday and today when I walked the trail I could actually see how beautiful it is going to be. Our architects have done a great job of planning a valuable addition to our campus, and the contractor, Terry Creamer and his group, are working hard to make it perfect. Yesterday several of us met with Mari Steinbach from the City Recreation Department, and we are very hopeful that they will partner with us to fund the railings we need on certain portions of the trail. Things are really coming together and I am personally beyond grateful for the support we have received and the support we feel will be forthcoming. Our PTA is still selling commemorative bricks for our gathering areas, so if you are interested, the form can be found on our school website. This is a pretty inexpensive way to support the trail, but every little bit helps. Also, if you or someone you know is involved with woodworking projects, we could certainly use a number of birdhouses to hang in the trees. This will be nice in terms of inviting birds, but also depending upon the birds that come, may help keep down on mosquitoes.
We are also excited about our refurbished multi-sensory room. The GE volunteers were here on Wednesday to install four new interactive boards, and our students are already enjoying them. This addition has brightened up and cleared the room, and we are thrilled with the results. I guess it just shows what a bunch of talented engineers can come up with when they put their minds to it. The GE folks will be coming back to bring the raised flower bed they are building for the courtyard and to help with cleaning out some of the beds. What great partners they are for us here at school.
Linda Thigpen asked that I remind parents of students ages 17-20 to return the parent surveys that were sent home last Thursday. The deadline for return is March 21, but if you are like me, I need to take care of things like that as soon as possible so I don’t misplace the materials or just completely forget about it. Surveys such as this one help us to know what we can do to better serve students and families and that is definitely what we are all about, so please share your ideas.
This week we had groups out and about. Classes visited the Upcountry History Museum and others went to the Greenville Cultural Exchange as a part of their African American history observance. We also had folks bowling, eating out and shopping; and, classes had lessons on colonists, things to do to help friends, survival signs, recognizing patterns and African American history.
The Human Resources Department has asked that we let everyone know that there will be a job fair on Tuesday, February 27 at Bryson Middle School in Simpsonville from 5 until 7. They will be hiring bus drivers and aides, custodians and food service operators. Hiring managers will be on hand to speak with and answer questions from interested applicants.
Of course this has been a short week since we were out for President’s Day on Monday. However, interim progress reports went home on Tuesday and SIC met on Wednesday. Christ Church reading buddies were here this week and IEP meetings moved along at a steady pace. Next week Alternate Assessment testing for students in grades 3-8 and 11 will begin, and teachers have planned a number of off campus trips for their students. Our big event for the week will be an African American History assembly on Tuesday coordinated by Madeline Crowder and Julie Dail. We are looking forward to that and certainly any parents who wished to do so are invited to join us at 9:30 am.
Upcoming dates you may wish to mark on your calendar are March 2 when we will host Sara Collins’ annual Dr. Seuss parade; April 18, Special Olympics at Furman; April 28 for the “Run, Walk and Roll” also at Furman; and, May 11 when we will have our Craft Day. Also May 25 will be Community Day here on campus. As you can see, the next few weeks will be very busy, and we invite you to join us as you are available.
That’s it for us this week. Have a great weekend and we will see everyone back on Monday.