TWe still don’t know how or if the weather will affect school next week, but I suggest that everyone monitor that situation by tuning in to WYFF or by checking the district website, Facebook page, and/or Twitter or Instagram sites. You may also call 355-3100 on Monday morning to see if there is a recorded message. Generally if some event affects the entire district, a district-wide school messenger will be sent out, and I will definitely activate our Remind app with information if I become aware of changes in the school schedule.
This week classes have continued to settle in. Our district audiologists have pretty much completed hearing screenings, and we had a First Responder drill on Tuesday. Also, SC Alt scores, for students who took the tests last spring, went home this week. Representatives from the County Recreation Association were at school on Thursday to work on plans for Challenge Day and to develop a “Plan B” if bus transportation to Bob Jones University becomes a problem. Additionally, a representative from the Greenville Junior League came for a tour on Wednesday since we have applied to them for a grant for our nature trail. PTA met and discussed possible fund raisers, and Cherrydale Farms catalogs came in and were sent home. This week Jennifer Tillman got our morning news show up and going, and we think that will be a great addition to our daily schedule. We know our students will enjoy seeing their friends on TV.
Please be reminded to join PTA, if you have not already, and to send in nominations for SIC. I hope everyone will have a great weekend and that the weather will be cooperative. Stay dry and safe.