Hello, this is Penny Rogers with your weekly Washington Center update. I hope everyone is staying dry, and I also hope you have all seen the fall edition of our newsletter which was published this week. Many thanks to Linda Thigpen for her work on this project.
Also, after I sent the message last week, I realized that I had left off some important items. I failed to thank Cindy Brown for all the work she did to make a success of Challenge Day. Cindy was responsible for organizing events and preparing students as well as ordering t-shirts and taking lunch orders. She put in a lot of work, and we appreciate all she did. I also want to congratulate our art teacher, Amanda Wakely, and her students, whose art work won blue ribbons at the South Greenville Fair in Simpsonville on September 19. The winning work is on display in our lobby here at school.
The PTA met on Thursday and continued to make plans for the spring Walk and Roll, which this year will be a walk, roll and 5Krun and will be held on the Furman campus. They hope to have a confirmed date for this event in the next week or two. Also, they asked that I let everyone know about two additional items. Cherrydale Farms orders can be made on behalf of Washington Center through the end of May by going online and designating our school as the beneficiary. Also, please use your Publix cards when you shop there as a rebate from purchases comes back to the school.
Big news -------Next Friday night, October 9th, our own Gregory Morgan will be singing the National Anthem at the Hillcrest High School football game. We hope lots of folks will come out to hear him, as we are very proud of his accomplishment.
CBI trips and progress reports are on the docket for next week, and the following week, on October 30, we will have Boo in the School, so don’t forget to send in snacks. I hope you have marked your calendars for Family Night on November 6 when the PTA will be providing lasagna dinners for everyone and a large number of service providers will be on hand to tell folks about what they can do for individuals with disabilities. Also, our fall Craft Day will be on November 13.
One last item, Lynn Gibbs in Human Resources, has asked that I let you know that there will be a job fair for bus drivers and bus aides at Berea High School on October 13 from 5-7. They especially need drivers and bus aides for the Berea area.
I think that is all for now. Have a great weekend.