Attendance Reminders


Attendance Information

  1. School starts promptly at 7:45 am.
  2. No early dismissals after 1:45 pm.
  3. School dismisses at 2:15.
  4. Students should be picked up from school no later than 2:45.
  5. Students are allowed 10 absences each school year.
  6. A parent must submit a note for ANY absence or it will remain unexcused.

Please call 355-4200 for questions or concerns!

GCSD Attendance Policy

Ways to Submit an Excuse

  1. Send a written parent or doctor excuse in your child's take-home folder.
  2. Fax a written parent or doctor excuse to 355-4215.
  3. Submit an Online Parent Note.
  4. Email a scanned excuse to


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