1194 Holland Road ♦
Simpsonville, S.C. 29681 ♦
864-355-3700 ♦ FAX: 864-355-3783
Saturday, January 25, 2025
About Mauldin Elementary
Our Mission
At Mauldin Elementary our mission is to educate, nurture, and empower the leaders of today and tomorrow.
Our Vision
We will build relationships, be intentional, present, and driven by data.
Our Values and Beliefs
- We believe children learn best in a safe, nurturing, student-centered environment.
- We believe education must be a cooperative effort of home, school and community where everyone models responsibility and respect.
- We believe curriculum and instruction must be developmentally appropriate in order to accommodate each student’s individual learning styles.
- We believe we must recognize, respect, encourage and share our cultural diversity.
- We believe students must become responsible learners who can function and compete in a global society.
Student Goals and Expectations
We hold all of our students to high standards. We expect all students to:
- Attend school daily unless ill or legally excused
- Come to school on time with necessary materials
- Be critical thinkers
- Be responsible learners by putting forth best effort in completing all in-class and homework assignments and in meeting deadlines
- Obey school rules and cooperate with school personnel
- Treat people and property with respect
- Work well independently as well as interdependently
- See that school correspondence reaches home
- Dress and groom in a neat and clean mannerly
- Have the skills, self-confidence, and values necessary to become contributing members of our society
2023 Report to Community
Mauldin Elementary Portfolio.