Title I is the largest program of federal funding in education signed into law in 1965 by President Lyndon Johnson. President Johnson recognized the extremely difficult problem that children throughout the country were having with their reading and mathematics. In an effort to help them catch up, extra attention, materials, and teachers were provided by the Elementary Secondary Education Act, Title I (ESEA).
Title I can help parents understand their child and be more involved in the child's education. Within the Title I program, the parents have rights that they should be aware of. Parents have the right to see progress reports on their child and their school. Parents can request information about their child's teacher's qualifications. Parents also have the right to help decide if Title I is meeting their child's needs.
Title I District Academic Consultants: Tamara Glover – Mathematics and Tarasha Williams – ELA
The Title I Staff provide a variety of services to and resources for the school and community. Click on any of the following links to learn more about services or resources supplied by Title I staff.
Title I planning occurs throughout each school year. As part of the planning, a needs assessment survey is distributed to all parents and teachers to provide evaluation of the positions, items, and services provided with Title I funds.