Berea Middle School Guidance Services
Access to the counselors at Berea Middle is open and inviting. Students are assigned to a counselor based on grade level and/or last initial. The counselors roll up with their students each year, thus ensuring that the students will have the same counselor during their three middle school years. This allows both the counselor and student to develop a close relationship and gives the counselor the opportunity to get to know the student’s family more closely.
How can students get in to meet with a counselor?
- Students can be referred to the counselor by a teacher. The teacher will write the student a pass to come to the Guidance Office.
- Students may refer themselves to the counselors by stopping by the Guidance Office with a pass and requesting time to speak with a counselor. If the counselor is not available to speak with the child at that time, the student will receive a written guidance pass with a date and time the student is to return.
- Parents may also call to request that a counselor speak with their student and to set up conferences.
Individual Counseling: Individual counseling is provided for students in areas of personal and social need, educational and academic concerns, and career education. The counselors work to identify problems, causes, alternatives, and possible consequences so that appropriate decisions can be made and/or appropriate action can be taken. During individual counseling sessions, problem-solving, coping, and social skills can be modeled by the counselor and practiced by the student.
Small Group Counseling: Counselors provide small group counseling based on a student survey of interest and need. The counselor will act as the group facilitator. Topics might include: peer mediation, boy-girl relationships, anger management, and/or attendance improvement.
Referral: Upon request, counselors make referrals to appropriate community agencies. These referral sources may include mental health agencies, Department of Social Services, and other human service agencies as deemed appropriate.
Crisis Counseling: Support and short-term counseling are provided to students and their families facing crisis situations. Appropriate community referrals are made when necessary.
Classroom Guidance Services
- Sixth Grade Classes: This year we will be presenting a two-part series on study skills in the 6th grade classes. Lessons will include organizational skills, time management, test-taking skills, and note-taking skills. We will be in the classrooms once each month for four months beginning in September.
- Seventh Grade Classes: This year seventh grade will be presented with a Bullying Awareness and Prevention Assembly.
- Eighth Grade Classes: One 30-45 minute lesson introducing 8th grade students to the high school program. Topics will include graduation requirements, GPA, schedules, promotion/retention requirements, Bullying Awareness and Prevention Assembly, special programs, and college/career goals. Lesson will aid students in IGP and registration process. Academic class used for presentation to be determined by administration.
- SRS Program: All grade levels will participate in this during Spring Registration 2012-2013 through ELA classes. Dates to be determined based upon the registration schedule and administrative approval. Registration is completed online. Eighth grade students will be grouped according to feeder school.