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General Information and Standards

Media Services includes the Instructional Materials Center, Professional Library, and Title V Project.

The Media Services department oversees the library media center programs for the district and facilitates professional development for media specialists. Each school in the district is served by at least one certified media specialist who works with students and staff to integrate information literacy skills with classroom activities. Many recent state studies have shown that strong school library media center programs have a direct correlation to increased student achievement.  Reading is the cornerstone of education. Studies show that factors that are especially relevant to students' reading attitudes and motivation are engaging instruction and choice and variety in reading materials.

Media specialists are responsible for providing instruction for information literacy and technology standards for student learning. These process based standards are to be taught in correlation with specific content area need for best results. 

Media Services maintains the District's Professional and Instructional Materials Libraries which provide supplementary materials and equipment for teacher check out. Access to the library catalogs are available on-line at the links below:

Greenville Council of School Librarians (GCSL)


  • President – Patti Barker (Bryson Middle)
  • Vice President – Lindsay Beaman (Mauldin High)
  • Treasurer - Shawnee Arrowood (Greenbrier ES.)
  • Secretary - Kathleen Carey (Greenville Middle)

Committee Members

  • Grants - Laura Griner (Armstrong ES), Jennifer Tillman (Washington Center), Erica McCall (RVP winner- Taylors ES), Anne Albers (RVP winner-Welcome ES)
  • Awards - Lindsay Beaman (Mauldin High), Anna Webb (Riverside High)
  • Retirees - Tiffany Rickey (Fountain Inn High), Erica McCall (Taylors ES)
  • Sunshine/Hospitality -  Shawnee Arrowood (Greenbrier ES), Karen Thompson (Crestview ES)
  • Advocacy - Jessica Zannini (Paris ES), Laura Griner (Armstrong ES), Katie Jones (Monaview ES)

Resources for students, parents and teachers

Parents, students, and staff have FREE access to subscription Internet resources available on-line at all times through DISCUS--South Carolina's Virtual Library. It provides newspapers, magazines, professional journals, encyclopedias, dictionaries, pictures & photographs, maps & charts, primary sources, historic documents and other essential learning resources! DISCUS supports terms papers, reports, science projects, research projects, debate preparation, and much more! You can get the user name and password for DISCUS by contacting your school or local public library, or you can call any of the Media Services department staff for this information as well.

The Greenville County Public Library offers many other outstanding subscription Internet Resources. You must get a free library card to access the databases.

Created by South Carolina ETV for K–12 students and teachers, is a free, online collection of resources designed for classroom use. This educational portal contains image collections, videos, virtual tours, narratives, documents, and interactive games and stories to support and provide quality learning experiences for students using the Internet as an information tool.

Download Free books (e-texts) from Project Gutenberg. These are books in the public domain and are no longer protected under copyright, mainly pre-1923 publications. You will find classics titles from Shakespeare to Lewis Carroll. Many of the required summer reading books for Greenville County High Schools are available absolutely free from this site. Once you download a Gutenberg e-text, turn it into an e-book by following the instructions below.

Media Services Resources


Media Services / Professional Library
M.T. Anderson Support Center
100 Blassingame Road
Greenville, SC 29605

Tim Van Heule, Distance Learning Coordinator