Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions from Potential Student/Parents:

What is NewTech@Mann?

NewTech@Mann is a “school within a school” on the campus of J. L. Mann High School that offers
students project-based learning, student-led culture, and one-on-one technology. 

How do I know if NewTech@Mann is a good fit for my student?

Review the characteristics of a successful New Tech student: critical thinker, self-starter, independent learner, collaborator, respectful citizen, and college- or career-focused. Also, a successful New Tech student should be Algebra-ready by their freshman year. If this sounds like your student, your family should put serious consideration to NewTech@Mann.

Does NewTech@Mann prepare students for college and other post-high school opportunities?

Yes, for both college-bound and career-bound students. NewTech@Mann emphasizes learning how to solve real-life problems with a team, and the skills students learn at NewTech@Mann will help them succeed in any environment they choose to pursue. 

Do NewTech@Mann students have the opportunity to participate in sports, clubs, or other extracurricular activities?

Yes, New Tech students are eligible to participate in any J. L. Mann High School activity as an attendance area student or accepted magnet student. J. L. Mann High School course electives are also available to NewTech@Mann students, allowing NewTech@Mann students to pursue Fine Arts courses or extra AP coursework they may have an interest in.

Are there any costs to attending NewTech@Mann?

There are none beyond the traditional fees associated with being a J.L. Mann student such as class dues, etc.

How is a NewTech@Mann classroom different from a traditional high school classroom?

To facilitate the project-based learning model (PBL) the students are physically grouped in the classroom as opposed to sitting in rows. Students (learners) follow a PBL plan for every project which follows this general progression: the project is introduced through a driving question; learners determine what they need to know; teachers (facilitators) organize needed activities for learning; facilitator-led and peer-led assessments are conducted to determine learner understanding; content-oriented workshops are provided by facilitators; learners formally present their conclusions; learner conclusions are peer- and facilitator-reviewed.

My student has an IEP or 504 Plan. Can the student still attend NewTech@Mann?

Any attendance area student or accepted magnet student may be considered for enrollment in NewTech@Mann, including students with an IEP or 504 Plan. Freshmen students entering New Tech should be ready to study Algebra 1. Annual IEP meetings will be conducted for NewTech@Mann students, just as they are for J. L. Mann High School IEP students. Students needing a Tutorial class will be scheduled in Tutorial during elective periods. Students with disabilities will be assigned to the NewTech@Mann program according to the lottery selection process, just like any other student applicant.

Does NewTech@Mann cover the same state standards as J. L. Mann High School and other high 
schools in South Carolina?

Yes, NewTech@Mann is a public school that meets as a school-within-a-school on J. L. Mann High School’s campus. NewTech@Mann is required to meet all state standards as part of J. L. Mann High School. The NewTech@Mann teachers spend considerable time developing relevant projects that align with the state standards. Students are individually evaluated on their mastery of these standards as part of each project they complete or problem they solve.

Are there tests and quizzes in NewTech@Mann?

Yes. While most of the learning in New Tech schools occurs within the context of group collaboration, students are still held accountable for their own understanding of the content taught in each course. Assessment of individual understanding can take many forms, including traditional tests and quizzes.

Do NewTech@Mann students have homework?

Yes. Whether it is a portion of a project that needs to be completed for an upcoming milestone, a reading assignment, or practice problems, students at NewTech@Mann sometimes have to complete work outside of the classroom.

If someone in my group doesn’t do his part of a project, will it hurt my grade?

Possibly, but it shouldn’t. Most projects and problems are assessed using a variety of measures including group evaluation. For this reason, we start all projects and problems with group contracts. These are written agreements between group members that outline how the group will operate, who will be responsible for each task, and what will happen when someone doesn’t do their share of the work. While the goal is always to have every member of a group do his or her part, these contracts allow groups to “fire” reluctant learners. Students who get fired have to complete all work for their project on their own.

Will NewTech@Mann students graduate with J. L. Mann High School students?

Yes and we have many graduates who also receive a NewTech@Mann distinction.

Can NewTech@Mann students take elective classes like band or JROTC at J. L. Mann High School?

Yes, NT@M students may choose any elective available at J. L. Mann High School.

Can NewTech@Mann students take AP and Dual Course Credit courses?

Yes. AP and Dual Credit courses are available.

Can students transfer out of New Tech @ Mann once school starts?

Yes, after the first year.  After completing the first year, if the family and the Director determine that the student is better placed in a traditional learning model it is possible to transfer to traditional classes at J. L. Mann High School.

We respect that some people may find that project-based learning is not their preferred learning style, but we require that all students, once accepted into New Tech, spend a full year working in it before deciding to leave. We require this for two primary reasons: 1) the beginning of the first year can be stressful for some students and we don’t want anyone to make a rash decision they come to regret later; 2) we believe there is value in teaching students to keep a commitment. There is nothing quite like the pride and self-confidence a student gains when they have accomplished something that was truly difficult or different for them.

How are business and community partners involved with NewTech@Mann?

NewTech@Mann is always seeking business partners to work with our students. Business partners are integral to assisting students with solving real-world problems, completing internships, and assessing final projects. If you know of a local business or community organization interested in working with students in this manner please refer them to the New Tech Director. Current partners include Young Office, Koyo Bearings North America, United Way, Women in Engineering and others.

Frequently Asked Questions from Current Students/Parents:

I need help understanding the grading system of New Tech.  How are students assessed?

Student grades are calculated using measures from several areas called learning outcomes.  This page reviews what each area is and how it is measured.