Student Parking

Parking tags are $40 for the whole year or $20 for early graduates or students who purchase a pass after the new year.  Cash or Checks made payable to BRHS are accepted. All prior student debt must be paid before a parking tag is purchased as well as the student's current class dues (10th grade $10, 11th grade $15, 12th grade $20). Students, please make sure you are parking in your correct designated areas (please see the parking lot diagram below).  Please see Mr. Ludwick to purchase your parking tag and if you have any other questions. 

New student drivers must take the Alive at 25 course prior to purchasing a parking tag. Information is linked below.  This only needs to be completed once.

Image of Parking Lot on Blue Ridge High's Campus:


See Mr. Ludwick (Assistant Principal) for additional information about the student parking information.