Dress Code


The primary objective of the School District of Greenville County is to provide a world-class instructional program and learning opportunity for every student. Personal appearance of every student is an important component of establishing a safe environment for optimal learning and respect for one another.

Students are expected to dress in an appropriate manner while on School District property or representing the school. Personal appearance shall not disrupt student work or school order, become distractive to other students, or violate health and safety guidelines.

Clothing and/or hair should not be so extreme or inappropriate to the school setting as to disrupt the education process. Therefore, clothing deemed distracting, revealing, overly suggestive or otherwise disruptive will not be permitted.

Wearing accessories or clothing that could pose a safety threat to oneself or others is not allowed.

Hats and sunglasses may not be worn in the building.

Attire must not evidence membership or affiliation with a “gang” in any negative sense of the term.

Proper shoes must be worn at all times.

Attire must not be immodest, obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, indecent or offensive.

Clothing that inappropriately exposes body parts is not permitted. Students shall not expose undergarments.

Pants must be worn at the natural waistline and undergarments are not to be visible. Pants and slacks must not bag, sag, or drag.

No clothing, jewelry, or tattoos are permitted that display profanity, suggestive phrases, or advertisements for, or messages or pictures depicting or suggesting alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or sex.

ID badges given to students by BRHS must be worn on campus.

Shorts, skirts, shirts, and dresses must come to the knee even if leggings are worn.

All shirts must have sleeves. Tank tops, muscle shirts are not permitted.

Jeans are not allowed to have holes above the knee. No undergarments or skin can be visible.

No pajama bottoms, house slippers, or blankets.

Prom Dress Code

The Prom, an important part of the Blue Ridge High School Experience, is a formal social event; therefore everyone attending the prom, including guests, is expected to dress and behave appropriately for a formal event.  Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Tuxedo, suit with a tie, or sport coat with slacks and a tie.  Jackets and vests may be removed, but shirts may not be removed.
  • No flip-flops or athletic shoes. 
  • Dresses may not expose a bare midriff.  Mesh or see-through inserts in the midriff area will not be allowed.  Two-piece dresses/outfits must not expose any midriff.  Front, back, and sides of ladies’ attire must not be too low-cut or revealing.  Short dresses or side slits may not be higher than the tips of the wearer’s fingers when the wearer’s hands are at her sides.  Ladies may not hike up their dresses in order to dance.

If not appropriately dressed, you will not be allowed to enter the prom.  If you have any questions, contact the Prom Chairperson.  Remember, if in doubt, don’t wear it!

Students and guests may be asked to leave if attire or behavior becomes inappropriate or conflicts with school rules.  Faculty members will make the final decision regarding appropriate attire and behavior.