505 North Main St. ♦ Greer, S.C.29650 ♦ 864-355-8081 ♦ FAX: 864-355-8266
Saturday, February 15, 2025
If you have any questions about student attendance for the school year, please don't hesitate to contact Melanie Lawson, Attendance Clerk, at Bonds Career Center. Below are a few reminders to help you and your student have a successful year at Bonds Career Center.
Have parent/medical notes turned into front office NO MORE than two days after the student returns to school
Students are only allowed 5 unexcused absences each semester (10 per year). Any absence after that the student must have parent/medical notes.
A parent must submit a note for any absence or it will be counted as unexcused.
Any student who needs an early dismissal they must turn in a parent note at the BEGINNING of class or the parent/guardian must be present in the school's office to sign them out.
No early dismissals will be permitted after 3:15 PM.