During the school year, parents of new students may enroll their child during normal school hours. Please be sure to have your withdrawal paperwork with you when you register.
The Guidance Department will be open limited hours during the summer, so please contact us for those dates and times. During summer hours, parents of new students may come in and enroll on any of the "summer" dates (to be determined) on a first come first serve basis. Please be prepared to wait. There may be a period of wait time depending on the number of people we must serve.
To expedite the summer enrollment process, please have all documents and paperwork completed prior to coming in. If you are coming from another Greenville County school, you should call that school and ask the Guidance Department to "No Show" the student prior to coming to Mauldin Middle to register.
Required documents and forms may be found by clicking on the links below. For more forms and information, visit the GCS Forms page.
Checklist for Parents (PDF) Lista para padres (PDF)
Find Your School Encuentra tu escuela
Find Your Stop Encuentra tu parada de autobús
Backpack for Parents: Account Setup Para crear una cuenta de mochila para padres (PDF)
Student Enrollment Form
Records Request Form
Emergency Contacts Form
McKinney-Vento Act Form
🆕2020-21 GCS Transportation Request Form
Home Language Survey
🆕 2020-21 Chromebook Agreement & Responsible Use Form
Free/Reduced Lunch Application