Dress Code

Students will be expected to dress in an appropriate manner while on school property and while participating in school-related activities. We encourage our students to take pride in their personal appearance such that it does not disrupt student work or school order, become distractive to others, or violate health and safety guidelines. Students must adhere to the dress code set forth by the school principal while on campus during the school day. If attending a school function in the evening, students must comply with the dress code of Greenville County Schools. Hughes Academy’s guidelines are as follows:

Belts: Must be worn by all students if the item of clothing is made with belt loops

Shirts may have a small appropriate logo over the pocket area

Pants, Shorts, Skirts, and Dresses: Navy, Black or Khaki



Head, Facial, and Jewelry Concerns

Please be aware that parents will be contacted when a student has not complied with our school’s dress code. If a parent is not able to bring the necessary item(s) to school, the student will spend the day in in-school suspension. Consequences for repeat offenders will be determined by the administrative team.

Students may not write on their arm, legs, or any visible part of their body with ink/paint, or cut themselves with blades to create a design. Also no visible stickers or appliques are allowed on the body.