Letter from the Director

Laura O'Laughlin, Ph.D.

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to West Greenville School!  I am honored to be the Director at West Greenville and I look forward to doing everything I can to ensure you have positive experience during the 2020-2021 school year.  This year promises to be unique and challenging.  I want to assure each of you that regardless of what the year may bring, we are dedicated to your students.  We will provide them the best school year experience possible within any given situation or condition.    

West Greenville School goals reflect those of Greenville County Schools.

·         Keep our students, employees, and community safe,

·         Return students in our school to full-time, five-days a week in-person instruction as soon as it is safe to do so,

·         Make decisions based on objective information provided by scientific, public health, and medical experts, and

·         Change as best practices evolve. 

This Parent/Student Handbook is designed to establish clear expectations and procedures for all students at West Greenville School.  I encourage you to engage yourself in the educational process.  Stay informed of your child’s academic progress and points/level status.  I also encourage you to visit our website and “Like” West Greenville School and Greenville County Schools on Facebook. 




I look forward to working with each of you.  If there is anything that I can do to assist you or your child, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Laura O’Laughlin, Ph.D.

Director of West Greenville School