Hello Early College Families! 

Welcome Eagles

This year has been fraught with unprecedented circumstances. lt of a global pandemic.  We have watched firsthand how families have grieved the loss of loved ones from a variety of perspectives.  We have watched through the lens of social media the social and political implications of the decisions we make as a nation.   When you return to school things may look and feel different.  You will notice even small class sizes and additional protocols and practices to ensure that you are safe.  You will notice new faces and you will have new experiences.  You will also have the same good love and support that you are used to.  You will find teachers that want to see you succeed. You will find new opportunities to stand out, ask questions and grow your skills and abilities.  You will find the space and time to spread your wings.  This is your time to soar Eagles… RISE UP, lift your wings, and fly...


Marjon A. Ford
Greenville Early College