
Arrival & Departure Procedures

Students need to be in their classrooms by 8:00 am otherwise they are considered tardy. If a child comes after 8:00 AM, his parent or guardian is required to come inside and sign his child in on the school computer. The regular school day is as follows: 7:15 to 7:50 Breakfast 7:45 Students admitted to classrooms 8:00 Classes begin/Morning Announcements 2:30 Students dismissed 2:45 Extended Day Program begins

Change In After School Transportation Plans

Due to safety, we will not take transportation changes over the phone.

Request for change in transportation must be in written form.

Car Rider Dismissal

Every family is given a set of Taylors Elementary carpool signs. These official signs should be placed in your car window at all times. It will be extremely important for your child to know his car number and to pay attention at dismissal. If a child does not come out with his group, the parent will be directed to pull over and park and we will recall your child’s car number. An adult will walk that child out to the parking lot.


Walkers will be escorted to the Reid School Road crossing guard.
Kindergarten and First Grade students must be met by an adult with the Taylors car tag number. Students that are not met at the crossing will be brought back to the office and an ID must be shown to pick up the child.