Grove School Improvement Council

School Improvement CouncilWhat are School Improvement Councils?

They serve as an advisory committee to the school's principal and faculty.  SIC works collaboratively with the school to develop and implement a Five-year school improvement plan, monitor and evaluate success in reaching the plan's goals and objectives, and write an annual report to parents about the progress of the plan.   In addition, councils advise on the use of school incentive awards and provide assistance as requested by the principal.  SIC's do not have powers and duties reserved to the local school board.

Who may serve on a SIC?

Almost anyone is eligible to serve on a SIC - parents, teachers, business partners, and community members.  The Grove SIC must have  parents, teachers, community members, and business partners .

School Improvement Council Meetings are held monthly and are open to the public.  If you are interested in attending please call the school office for dates and times.