BMS School Resource Officer

Each day security is a priority at BMS. Procedures are in place and routinely practiced to ensure that students are well-prepared for emergency situations. Drills include fire, tornado, shelter-in-place, bus evacuation, and lockdown. Additionally our school has a full-time resource officer available to encourage positive choices and to promote responsible choices.

The first function of a SRO is that of a Law Enforcement Officer. If an incident arises at a school that requires Law Enforcement involvement, the SRO handles it. The second responsibility is that of an educator. SROs are responsible for teaching classes including subjects such as: School Safety, Crime Prevention and Conflict Resolution. Demonstrations are held and other law-related topics are also taught. Last, but certainly not least, is that of the role of Counselor. Students may come to the SRO with problems they don't feel comfortable discussing with School Officials. 

SROs also participate in many school activities. We encourage input from the community, parents and students alike. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please don't hesitate to contact the SRO.

Contact our SRO

Officer Doug Nicholls 
Phone: 355-2115

For more information visit the Simpsonville Police Department.