Textbooks are the property of the State of South Carolina and are loaned out to students.   When a book is issued to a student, it becomes the sole responsibility of that student to keep up with it.  Students are responsible financially for missing or damaged textbooks.  Students should write their name, their teacher’s name, and the school year where indicated in the textbook.  

In South Carolina, textbooks are issued to students based on an electronic barcoding system.  The student's ID number is scanned along with the textbook that is loaned out to the student.  If the barcode is missing when the book is returned, the student will be assessed a lost book fine.

A replacement textbook cannot be issued to a student until the lost textbook is paid for.  Only students on an Individualized Education Plan that references the need for an additional set of textbooks are given duplicate textbooks.

Textbooks that are checked out during 1st Semester are due at the end of the 1st Semester.  Students checking out textbooks during 2ndSemester are to return them at the end of the school year.  Students that have overdue textbooks will be assessed a five dollar late fee.

When textbooks are returned, they should be in the same condition as when the textbooks were issued to them.  Book covers may be used to protect textbooks.  

Students are not to leave textbooks unattended.  A locker is assigned to each student for this purpose. 

Mr. Kindall is the administrator in charge of textbooks.

Withdrawing students are to return all checked out materials to Guidance.  New students to Berea High School during the school year will be called to Mr. Kindall's office for their textbooks.

Fines are listed below.  Mr. Kindall will determine whether a fine or replacement charge is warranted for situations not listed below.

$5.00 to Replacement Cost
Damage to Cover          
Writing in Book 

Replacement Cost
Missing Bar Code           
Broken Spine                 
Water Damage                 
Missing Pages                  
Obscene Marks